2022 PLUS Cyber University

This virtual university series is designed as an entry-level program for those new to the market or for industry veterans who just do a bit of cyber business. Build the […]

CAS – 2022 Virtual ERMM for CERA

The main purposes of this three-day virtual seminar is to: Prepare attendees for active engagement in the ERM process within an organization by discussing real world approaches to ERM as […]

NAMIC Communications + Marketing Workshop

This event addresses the unique role of B2B and B2C insurance marketing, including agent/agency relations, managing internal communications, digital marketing and social media, website design, user experience, and more. New […]

NAMIC Communications + Marketing Workshop

This event addresses the unique role of B2B and B2C insurance marketing, including agent/agency relations, managing internal communications, digital marketing and social media, website design, user experience, and more. New in 2022, a pre-event mini workshop and roundtables will be held in August focused on agent/agency relations.

PLUS Transactional Risk Webinar

This virtual university series is designed as an entry-level program for those new to the market or for industry veterans who just do a bit of cyber business. Build the knowledge base necessary to understand coverage dynamics and market forces that shape this sector of the industry by attending this 8-session series!