Consultant Spotlight: John Gradwell

Consultant Spotlight:

Consulting Actuary, John Gradwell, ACAS, MAAA, CPCU, ARe

John brings world-class expertise on enterprise risk management (ERM) and economic capital modeling (ECM) to Huggins’ clients. He has more than 20 years of hands-on experience working with S&P 500 multi-national companies with responsibilities engaging in a wide spectrum of ERM and ECM initiatives. John also has broking experience and has successfully rolled-out ERM and ECM solutions to a wide variety of small to medium-sized insurers, including mutuals. He has cleverly applied these experiences to solve challenges for companies with varying levels of ERM maturity.

He developed an ERM Framework from scratch, including dozens of clarifying policy and procedure documents, that was rolled-out to a global insurance company. That Framework laid out how ERM is intended to work and led to greater efficiency, transparency, and objectivity in risk management, corporate governance, and in the control environment. He defended those ERM accomplishments to third-party regulators thereby facilitating earlier approval of company initiatives, and to credit-rating agencies leading to upticks in company ratings.

John has extensive experience with ECM including building models customized to the risk profile of the company at-hand. He is also skillful at validating those models statistically against historical and planned future profiles, and using ECM results to better inform management decision-making. One of John’s specialties is “risk retention analyses;” these use an EC model to evaluate and optimize the company’s reinsurance program. John also has used ECM to help companies set objective risk appetites and limits, determine appropriate capital levels, and track exposures accordingly.

He has served in “second line” implementation roles within Risk Management departments. One of the attributes that makes John unique is he has also served in “third line” oversight roles including as an actuary within an Internal Audit department.

John’s strengths in critical thinking, numeracy and technical aptitude, clarity in written and verbal communications, and foundation in traditional actuarial tasks enable him to design creative ERM and ECM solutions customized to your needs.

Contact John today to ask how ERM and ECM services can help you and your firm succeed.